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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fast Weight Loss For Women - Eat Breakfast Every Day

An important thing to do when trying to lose weight fast is to eat breakfast every day. Research has shown that people who eat a healthy breakfast consume less total calories during the day. You need some nutrition for physical and mental energy at the start of the day. Even if you don't like a special breakfast food you should be able to find something to eat. Think of it this way. If the last time you ate was 8 PM the night before, you have just gone about 12 hours with out fueling your body. If you don't eat breakfast, your body may think it's starving and reduce the number of calories it burns.

Here are some examples of quick and nutritious breakfast ideas. One idea is 2 slices of cheddar cheese, 6 whole wheat crackers and 4 ounces of juice. A second breakfast would be a small bag of trail mix and a skim milk latte. You can make your own trail mix by adding one half cup whole grain cereal, one half cup nuts and one half cup of dried fruit. Another good quick breakfast is a breakfast bar, a small orange or apple and a glass of skim milk.

Not only is eating breakfast good for weight control it also improves your mood. Another good choice is a cup of low fat cottage cheese. One half cup of fresh blueberries and 7 chopped almonds.

Wrap up a good breakfast by putting one tablespoon low fat peanut butter and one tablespoon low sugar jelly or all fruit jam on a whole wheat tortilla. You can also mix a small banana, a small glass of orange juice and some frozen strawberries into a to go fruit smoothie.

When you eat breakfast, your metabolism starts working earlier and you will end up burning more calories.

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