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Friday, October 18, 2013

Easy Weight Loss Tips - 5 Easy Tips to Lose Weight So Quick and Simple That Anyone Can Follow

Are you looking for some killer tips to lose weight? Well, the problem in giving weight loss tips is that they should not only help you lose weight but should be safe.

How easy it is to follow the low carb diets and lose all that fat you have accumulated over years in a matter of few months if not weeks. There is a problem with drastic reduction of weight and blindly following these diet plans. They hardly work long term and can even bring a host of health problems.

Here are 5 easy weight loss tips that anyone can follow.

1. Drink lots of water: Even though water does not help you reduce weight, it is very helpful in filling your stomach and helps you avoid from eating otherwise. Often thirst is misconstrued to be hunger and hence drinking lots of water is a healthy way to keep your weight in check.

2. Spice it Up: By adding more spices to your food, you are more likely to eat less.

3. Brush your teeth after every meal: Brushing the teeth usually serves the mind as a clue to your body that the time to snack is over.

4. Sniff before you eat: As weird as it may sound, in a study done by Alan R. Hirsch, M.D., neurological director of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago, people who sniffed more frequently ate less and invariably lost more weight than people who didn't.

5. Walk before Dinner: Other than burning calories, you are more likely to cut your appetite. In a research study conducted at University of Glasgow, it was found that 20 minutes of walking lessened appetite and made the participants feel a sense of fullness as a light meal.

For More Related Topics Blog: Exercise At Home To Lose Weight

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